Thursday, June 8, 2017

Creek Hiking at Palo Duro Canyon

Good Morning! Our campsite in Hackberry has numerous hiking trails and we our goal is to hike every morning so off we went on the Paseo Rio Trail but soon we decided to following the creek. The creek had running water. Can you believe it! We often just stopped and pondered on the view above us. These area was full of water billion of years ago. 


To our amazement, the creek was running. A slow pace but Norma enjoyed the rambling sounds of water.  We are both water people and glad to find some today. 

Life at the creek side was full of life with butterflies and different types of lizards.

We love having Mia along with us. She loves to explore but is on guard all the time. 

We were surprised and amazed to discover the caves in the canyon. Each one was a place for creations to hide and keep cool during the hot summer days.  If you are wondering Mia did not have any instinct to investigate the caves which made Norma very happy! 

We are beginning to finally decompress from our busy life's at home and loving the shade on this hike! 

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